The Holy Grails of Trophy Hunting

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Any hobby that delves into collecting is bound to drive discourse about what constitutes the “best” find. For collectors of video games and their accessories, you might brag about scoring a copy of Rule of Rose for under $50 USD. Those who enjoy collecting rare coins minted in the United States may rejoice at finding certain Double Eagle denominations.

Trophy hunting shares a lot in common with these hobbies. The difference, however, is that we are prone to collecting digital achievements rather than physical goods. We do not have to concern ourselves about market conditions or scarcity of our desired product. So, when we rank games on our trophy list, money has nothing to do with it. Rather, we largely focus on sentimentalities; how the game made us feel, how difficult the completion experience was, and whether other trophy hunters hold the title in high esteem.

Higher-value platinum trophies, whatever that means to you, are highly sought after. Often, they are incredibly difficult and time-consuming. In this article, we will discuss what a Holy Grail is in a trophy hunting context and provide some personal examples.

What is a Holy Grail for a Trophy Hunter?

In religious texts, the Holy Grail is said to have been the very chalice from which Jesus drank during the Last Supper. It also is the subject of many myths and legends that claim it holds supernatural power, including the ability to provide eternal happiness. No one knows whether such an item ever truly existed, but it has since become a powerful symbol of faith.

Its significance has also led to a secondary colloquial meaning in the modern age. A Holy Grail can represent anything, so long as it is highly coveted, yet seemingly unattainable.

For trophy hunters, Holy Grails are any platinum trophies that you desperately want to achieve, yet have been unable to claim for one reason or another. The most common type of Holy Grail would be a beloved title which requires a higher level of skill than you currently possess. Other types may require unreasonable amounts of time to complete.

The good news is that, much like fictional characters in the stories we experience through our gameplay, we too can undergo character development. Although some platinum trophies may seem out of reach, that doesn’t necessarily always have to be the case. We can improve our skills and lay waste to that which seemed impossible to our past selves. Sometimes, even trying again later on with a brand-new mindset is enough to cross the finish line.

When you consider what platinum trophies represent your Holy Grail, don’t look at them with despair. Instead, do so with hope in your heart; just imagine how it will feel when you finally manage to unlock that shiny platinum and add it to your list! And, even if it is truly impossible, the challenge your Holy Grail poses can only help you with your next trophy hunt.

My Past Holy Grails

I have been a trophy hunter for a long time. Even before the official introduction of achievements in the mid-2000s, I have almost always approached video games from a completionist perspective. As you might expect, my skills and interests have changed, waxing and waning over so many years.

There are three PlayStation games on my trophy list that I feel best represent my past self’s Holy Grails. At one time, I never thought I’d be able to earn these platinum trophies, no matter how much I wished it.

DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition

holy grails of trophy hunting: devil may cry

DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition is a divisive entry in the series. Long-time Devil May Cry fans felt the reboot title was disrespectful toward its predecessors and that any resources spent on its development would have been better spent on direct sequels.

When it comes to criticizing the game compared to past iterations, I don’t have a horse in that race. DmC Devil May Cry was my first experience with the series and I adored every moment of it. I still remember the way the battle music hyped me up and how surprised I was at the sheer level of irreverence the game proudly put on display. It had put my past playthroughs of Grand Theft Auto games to shame when it came to mature content.

I originally played the Xbox 360 release, so when I upgraded to the PlayStation 4, getting the new-and-improved version of the game seemed like an obvious choice. The Definitive Edition looked and played even better, giving me plenty of opportunities to make new memories with Dante and his crew.

Despite my enjoyment of DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition, my skills were highly lacking. I earned every single trophy in the game in just a few short months in 2015, save for one. The achievement “I only take special jobs” can only be earned by players who complete 10 different missions in the campaign with an SSS rank.

Back then, I struggled heavily with racking up enough Style points to get the highest ranks consistently. I heavily favored some weapons over others and found switching difficult. I remember managing to nail down 9 SSS ranks with enough trial and error, but no matter how hard I tried I could not manage to get a tenth. Hilariously, I earned the related trophy “I see a devil inside you has awakened” without even trying to. This one is unlocked by getting 5 SSS ranks in missions from Vergil’s story.

The mission that served as my gatekeeper was “Bad News.” In theory, it’s a straightforward level that hosts a boss fight. The floating digital incarnation of a news station host can’t be that bad, right?

It took 6 years of on-and-off attempts before I finally managed to defeat Bob Barbas with enough style to satisfy the game. Although it felt like an eternity, it only amounted to 98 hours in reality. The trophy guide on PSN Profiles suggests the game can be completed in 40 hours with a difficulty rating of 4/10. At least according to my anecdotal experience, this seems rather low.

Being one trophy away from a platinum trophy for so many years was truly grueling. At the time, I was incredibly frustrated at my inability to clear the final hurdle toward completion. I recall scouring online forums for tips and still falling short. When I finally pulled it off in 2021, you can imagine the amount of relief I felt.

By all metrics, Dmc Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition is not an insanely difficult or rare platinum trophy, but it will always be special to me. It perfectly represents what a Holy Grail meant to me in my early days of trophy hunting.


holy grails of trophy hunting: destiny

My very first PlayStation trophy was acquired in Destiny in 2015. In the previous generation of consoles, I had opted for Xbox over PlayStation, thus resulting in my late start in official trophy hunting. Since I grew up with the original PlayStation and PlayStation 2, getting the PlayStation 4 felt like I was coming home.

Although I was impressed by DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition’s graphics, it was Destiny that truly made me feel like I had entered the next generation. I was shocked by the level of detail I could pick out of the environment during my first trip to the moon. I used to boot up the game to do patrols throughout the various planets simply to appreciate its beauty at such a grand scale.

Anyone familiar with Destiny knows that its trophies are not a joke. You have to become intimately familiar with all aspects of the game to earn 100% of its achievements.

There were two major barriers standing in my way in 2015: I did not have consistent access to PlayStation Plus, and I wasn’t interested in the multiplayer content. At the time, it seemed like there was so much to unpack; what even was the difference between a strike and a raid?

I didn’t want to hold others back due to my incompetence. I remember finally building up my courage to try a strike, only to be left in the dust by my teammates. I couldn’t figure out how to get to where they were fighting!

I came to terms with the fact that I would never be able to complete Destiny’s trophy set. I was contented with my solo experience for many years. However, that didn’t stop me from wishing things were different. Destiny was the game that provided my first PlayStation trophy. How could I ever come full circle as a trophy hunter if I didn’t take it to task? Why did I tell myself I couldn’t do it without even trying?

After nearly 10 years, I finally decided enough was enough. I resolved myself to earn every single trophy in Destiny. That meant coordinating with other players for multi-hour sessions that required high levels of teamwork and skill from all participants. For an older game, this would usually be a tall order. Thankfully, I was lucky to find several different groups of Destiny enthusiasts who prided themselves on helping others. These players had multiple thousands of hours in the game!

By the time I completed my Destiny journey, I’d racked up about 350 hours. Of course, much of this was spent wandering its world, completing patrols for no other reason than I enjoyed them.

Believe it or not, the last trophy I earned for the platinum trophy was “Triple Play.” This innocuous achievement is simple: defeat a Hunter, Titan, and Warlock without dying in a PvP match. While it is embarrassing to admit I did not do this during natural gameplay, I prefer to look at it in a positive light: it’s undeniable proof of how supportive the Destiny community can be toward newer players. I did not get ridiculed over it; they were happy to help me. Looking back, it was silly of me to ever have been intimidated into not playing online all those years ago.

I never thought I’d be able to say that I earned Destiny’s platinum trophy, never mind its DLC stacks. As a young Guardian, the thought of even entering a Crucible match was unthinkable. Destiny deserves its status as one of my Holy Grails, and I will always be proud to have it on my list.

Okami HD

holy grails of trophy hunting: okami

As of February 2025, Okami HD is the latest platinum trophy to grace my list. It’s actually the inspiration behind this article! Unlike the earlier entries on this list, Okami HD is less like the Holy Grail and more like Moby Dick, the white whale who was the subject of a sailor’s obsessive desire for revenge.

I first played Okami HD in 2018, after having picked it up on sale at a local retailer. I had previously heard great things about it and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Indeed, the game was incredibly unique, and I can truly say that I’ve never played a game quite like it before.

Looking at the trophy guide on PSN Profiles, you wouldn’t think much of the trophy hunting experience. Perhaps a bit on the long side, but otherwise it seems like a cinch. Certainly, it’s not something to write home about. Why put it on a list about trophy hunting Holy Grails?

To be frank, Okami HD’s inclusion here is primarily driven by pettiness. I didn’t check a guide during my initial playthrough of the game and somehow managed to pass up a missable trophy. I had spent 20 hours reaching that point in the game, and after learning that I’d have to do another playthrough, I lost all motivation to continue playing.

While I enjoyed the game, my overall opinion of it left something to be desired. On the surface level, Okami HD looks and sounds great. Its story is interesting and engaging during its best moments. However, I couldn’t help but feel apathetic toward my time with the game. The thought of redoing the introductory segments—especially with no way to speed up dialogue—exhausted me.

Even though I didn’t fall in love with the game, I still wanted to earn Okami HD’s platinum trophy. Call it vanity, but I wanted Amaterasu’s likeness on my trophy hunting mosaic.

Plus, with the announcement of an Okami sequel during the 2024 Game Awards, it occurred to me that my opinion of the game may have been colored by its age. Maybe I’d enjoy a more modern take on it!

After nearly 7 years, I finally decided to dive back in and give Okami HD another try. Since so much time had passed, the story felt novel to me. I opted to start over on a brand-new save file as I couldn’t be certain that I was on track to meet the requirements for “Barking Up the Cherry Tree” on my older save file.

While a second playthrough didn’t change my opinion of the game, I did learn to appreciate its experimental ideas. I feel proud to have exacted my revenge on a title I’d all but given up on. As it turns out, my Moby Dick struggle turned out differently than the original tale!

My Current Holy Grails

Although I’ve managed to turn things around in the past, there are still games I’m not sure I’m capable of completing. I look at these titles with the hope that I’ll one day have the strength and determination to set the record straight. Imagining their platinum trophy icons on my profile fills me with joy, so I don’t think I’ll ever truly give up on making it happen.

When I look at incomplete titles on my profile, they can be split into two different categories: whether I intend to return to them, or not. Games that I’ve dropped are usually because I’ve earned their platinum trophy on a newer version, such as Borderlands 3. I don’t see any reason to go back to the PlayStation 4 version after I’ve 100% completed the PlayStation 5 copy.

For games that I intend to return to, two stand-outs could be considered Holy Grails. I dearly wish to earn their platinum trophies, but am not sure whether I can bring myself to meet their requirements.

Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy X was a game that meant a lot to me in my formative years. I earned its platinum trophy in 2023, and despite having complaints about the completion process, felt that claiming it as my own was necessary. No matter how tedious sphere grid farming was, having the title’s mark on my profile was non-negotiable. That is how highly I value Final Fantasy X’s platinum trophy.

Given my feelings toward Final Fantasy X, you might expect that to carry over toward its sequel. Sadly, Final Fantasy X-2 did not catch my attention the same way its predecessor did. To this day, I have yet to complete its story, never mind its trophy requirements. I earned a handful of trophies in the game in 2016 and have not worked up the courage to return.

After all, despite lacking the first’s charm, Final Fantasy X-2 asks for just as much if not more from trophy hunters. It’s practically required to play the game with a walkthrough readily available as many missable events can lock you out of trophies. That’s 130 hours according to the PSN Profiles guide, by the way.

Regardless of my feelings toward the game, I am determined to earn its platinum trophy eventually. I have to see Yuna’s story through to the end, whether it happens one year from now or five.

Unravel 2

Unravel 2 is a seemingly cutesy platformer that follows the journey of two Yarnys across beautiful environments. It makes for a great couch co-op experience, with a story that can be completed in just a few short hours.

Trophy hunters beware, however: the platinum trophy is not for the faint of heart. The game is consistently rated near the top of the difficulty scale, with PSN Profiles rating it an 8/10. This is largely because you have to complete speedruns and no-death runs of every stage, plus a gauntlet run of 20 bonus levels back-to-back.

I picked up Unravel 2 in 2022 without looking too much into it. I had a highly motivated co-op buddy who I felt confident would be up to the challenge. However, as it turns out, we grossly underestimated the level of difficulty this simple game would pose.

We’ve only spent about 5 hours in its world, but after having tried our hand at a few deathless runs we realized our mistake. Successful completion of Unravel 2’s platinum trophy will require some studying. We need to map out our strategies for the levels and make a consistent plan of attack to get it done. Playing for a week straight and then letting our skills atrophy over several months of not playing would be a regrettable outcome.

To be honest, Unravel 2’s trophy hunting experience intimidates me. Two people need to coordinate perfectly and play at a high skill level for long periods to pull it off. For that reason, earning its platinum trophy is highly desirable to me. It would be the ultimate test of teamwork for my co-op partner and I.


Have you earned any of my Holy Grail platinum trophies? What PlayStation games do you wish you could complete, but have not managed to do so? Are there any platinum trophies that you thought would be impossible, but eventually managed to earn?

Looking for inspiration for your trophy hunting endeavors? Check out our list of platinum trophies we wish we could earn all over again. If you’re feeling spicy, consider reading about the titles we’d never want to return to!

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