Donut County is an indie puzzle game that took the video gaming world by storm when it released in 2018. Most players enjoyed their time with the game as its innovative yet simple set-up was a knock-out combination.
It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, though. The chief complaint most players had with Donut County was that it ended too soon. For as satisfying as its physics-based gameplay is, sadly the experience only lasts a few short hours.
This drawback is all the more apparent when you look at the game’s trophy list. What does Donut County have to offer for seasoned trophy hunters? Does its platinum trophy deserve a slot on your platinum mosaic?
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Why Donut County?
Raccoons have taken over Donut County with remote-controlled trash-stealing holes. You play as BK, a hole-driving raccoon who swallows up his friends and their homes to earn idiotic prizes.
When BK falls into one of his own holes, he’s confronted by his best friend Mira and the residents of Donut County, who are all stuck 999 feet underground… and they demand answers!
— PlayStation Store
I jumped into Donut County in June 2022, several years after it originally released. I had heard about the game plenty on internet forums and YouTube videos prior to this, but never had the chance to try it myself. I had always been curious about it since the common sentiment was that it was what gaming was all about: pure fun, no fluff.
As expected, my experience with the title lined up with what I’d heard. I got the platinum trophy in just 2 short sessions, ultimately culminating in a shiny new addition to my trophy cabinet less than 24 hours from the initial boot screen. I was hooked!
One of the primary reasons I waited to play Donut County was my aversion to diluting my trophy list. After all, short and easy trophies result in the game having a heavily inflated rarity among trophy hunting websites.
In fact, the game just barely makes the cut not to be considered shovelware according to my PlayStation Game Randomizer tool. Out of my 160+ platinum trophies, this one is the 5th most commonly achieved. On a more global scale, 82% of players on PSN Profiles managed to collect Donut County’s platinum trophy.
All totaled up, it makes sense why many trophy hunters might want to steer clear. Many of us want to have a clean and respectable list of platinum trophies on our profiles.
However, you should consider giving Donut County a second chance before you write it off completely. It would make an excellent palette cleanser after a more difficult trophy hunt and is worth experiencing for its humor and enjoyable puzzles. Although you may be hard on yourself for getting an “EZ” platinum, most trophy hunters will not judge you for this one.
The Trophy Hunt

Casual Playthrough
As with most games, step #1 to get the platinum trophy in Donut County is to play through the story. Thankfully, nothing is missable since there is chapter select via the main menu after you’ve beaten the game. Even better, you can simply turn your brain off and enjoy the game—no need to go for any specific trophies or use any guides whatsoever.
Donut County’s 20+ levels will likely take you around an hour to an hour and a half depending on your reading speed and skill level with the puzzles.
During my playthrough, I especially enjoyed the abandoned house and highway levels. The raccoons in helicopters were just downright silly in the best way. The limited lighting in the abandoned house made it stand out and was a great change of pace.
Overall, none of the levels dragged or felt out of place during my run. Also, all the dialogue scenes in the underground between BK and the animal townsfolk were well-written and made me laugh more than a few times.
After you’ve experienced BK’s story through to its conclusion, it’s time to pick up any trophies you missed. There are quite a few miscellaneous tasks that need doing, but most should take only a few minutes to knock out.
Of particular note, the trophy “Nerd” requires you to complete the Trashopedia by “swallowing” every item in the game. You can check your progress and see what you’re missing as well as where it’s located in the main menu.
Also, you likely missed “Flawless” or “Game Over,” which are both acquired in the final boss fight. The former requires not taking any damage while the latter requires losing. If you’re not sure how to get any specific trophies you still have left, check out the game’s trophy guide here.
Once you’ve mastered the game and done all the things, you will acquire the platinum trophy: “All Done.”
Is Donut County Shovelware?
You may still be wondering whether or not the game counts as shovelware within trophy hunting circles. It is true that you won’t garner any significant respect or brownie points among die-hard trophy hunters for getting this platinum trophy. After all, you can 100% complete the game in under three hours and with very little challenge. Plus, the whole concept of a “Trash King” almost begs to be connected to trophy hunters that collect hundreds of shovelware platinums.
That said, one big factor when it comes to identifying a shovelware title is the intentions of its developer. Games with genuine effort will never be shovelware titles. In this case, Donut County oozes personality and, despite its short length, is a very high-quality game. It can be argued that its simplicity and ease of completion is by its own design.
If you find this discussion interesting, you should consider checking out our analysis on shovelware and why you should avoid it here. There is definitely nuance to be had; other trophy hunters may be more or less stringent in their definition than we are. Let us know where you draw the line in the comments below.
Donut County is a short yet exceptionally fun adventure in the paws of a troublemaking raccoon. While strict trophy hunters may not want to add a common platinum to their account, this game is worth breaking the mold. Make an exception and try a title that gives you some breathing room; once you’re done, you can return to your Crypt of the Necrodancer or Super Meat Boy runs!
If you’re a hardcore trophy hunter that accepts absolutely no fluff, make sure you’ve gotten the games on our list of some of the hardest platinum trophies out there.
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