OMORI: Illustrated Trophy Guide and Flowchart

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Omori trophy guide

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OMORI is an indie psychological horror RPG that was published on Steam in 2020. The game was a massive hit that resulted in favorable reviews from critics and near-universal acclaim from players around the world. It was so successful that just two years later, a console port with a physical release was announced.

This positive response was well-deserved, too. OMORI has an emotionally gripping narrative, beautiful music, and a unique spin on classic turn-based battles. It also is in the unique position of having been developed by an art studio rather than the more typical game development company. As a result, there is a plethora of incredibly high-quality official merchandise available for purchase from OMOCAT’S storefront.

With the PlayStation version’s release in 2022 comes yet another platinum trophy. OMORI’s trophy set is deceptively difficult; While many trophies can be earned through natural progression, others require incredibly thorough gameplay and perfect execution.

Many walkthroughs already exist for OMORI, but in my experience, they tend to either lack conciseness or omit important details. That’s why I decided to create this illustrative flowchart to convey everything required for OMORI’s platinum trophy in a visually appealing format without all the fluff. We also took steps to ensure no spoilers are present in the guide so that any twists and turns in the story can be a nice surprise for everyone.

Tips & Tricks

The provided visual aid is intended to be all-encompassing of a successful platinum trophy run in OMORI. If you follow the flowchart to the letter, you will acquire every single trophy in the game. However, you may still want to be aware of a few key trophies to keep your grind to a minimum.

  1. Interact with every picnic, telescope, and mirror in the game as you progress through the story. Any missable ones are expressly called out in the flowchart, but you will save a lot of time if you preemptively collect these.
  2. Initiate battles in every area until you no longer encounter new enemies. Any missable ones are expressly called out in the flowchart, but you will save a lot of time if you preemptively collect these.
  3. If you need to farm for CLAMS near the end of the game, your best bet is the method described in the PSN Profiles’ trophy guide. In short, you should return to the LAST RESORT and speak to MR. JAWSUM. During the ensuing battle, you’ll want to get the boss to offer a large sum in exchange for a debuff. Otherwise, defeating SQUIZZARDS in the SEACOW FARMS along the UNDERWATER HIGHWAY can be a decent option.
  4. Save often, and in different slots. This will mitigate any potential losses should you miss anything significant. This is especially important as many achievements have incredibly specific unlock requirements that necessitate near-perfect execution.

How to Use the Flowchart

To properly use the flowchart, start from the top and follow along with your intended route. Generally, it is recommended to begin with the SUNNY route, which is the leftmost branch. Anything in the middle occurs regardless of which route you are in. The rightmost branch relates to the OMORI route, which is best saved for your final playthrough of the game.

The flowchart does not include any optional activities that are not required for the platinum trophy. It is also not intended to replace a dedicated walkthrough of the game’s main story. If you get stuck and aren’t sure how to proceed, first try talking to MARI at any picnic. If her hints still don’t help, you should look through an in-depth walkthrough such as the one published by Neoseeker.

The below map of FARAWAY TOWN has been styled to help you navigate the REAL WORLD sections more readily. If you’re not sure where to go, this can be a handy resource. Note that all of the stores (OTHERMART, FIX-IT, GINO’S PIZZA, and HOBBEEZ) are located in FARAWAY PLAZA.

omori trophy guide

The flowchart includes detailed directions to ensure you don’t miss anything important on your way to the platinum trophy. It also includes details regarding when to move the story forward and to what extent. Be careful to follow these directions to the letter, as advancing the story too quickly can lock you out of important activities.

If needed, you can click on the flowchart to open it in a new tab. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts CTRL + and CTRL – to adjust the zoom level for your screen size.


omori trophy guide

Optional Badges

The Steam version of OMORI has 43 more achievements than the console releases. Although these are not required to earn the platinum trophy, these challenges are still present in all releases in the form of badges. If you’d like to get the true 100% in OMORI, trophy hunters will need to put in a lot more work.

Below are the optional badges that are not covered in the flowchart. They are organized by day and in the expected order of completion. A brief explanation of each badge and its approximate location are also included.

  1. You think you’re clever, huh…: Name the protagonist OMOCAT
  2. Power of Friendship!: RELEASE ENERGY on your foes
    • Let your ENERGY reach 10 during a battle. Then, select the option to RELEASE ENERGY
  3. Littering is bad, recycling is better.: Throw away something
    • Trash an item from your inventory
  4. Green Thumb: Water a plant in BASIL’S garden
    • Use the watering can on a wilted flower near BASIL’S HOUSE
    • South of the FOREST PLAYGROUND
  5. One for the Road: Gain BREAD using BREAD SLICE
    • After reaching level 5 as OMORI, use BREAD SLICE to defeat an enemy
  6. So majestic… so beautiful…: Fly the BUTT CERTIFICATE in CATTAIL FIELD
    • Complete the quest BERLY’S LOST BALL before proceeding with the story
  7. Recycling is a concept.: Get all rewards from the RECYCLING MACHINE
    • Deposit 50 pieces of junk to obtain the following items: SEER GOGGLES, FLASHLIGHT, CELLPHONE, and UNIVERSAL REMOTE
  8. WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA!?!?: Make your way and talk to LONE MOLE
    • Cut through the path filled with traffic cones outside of town
  9. Good Dog: Pet a dog
    • Find SHADOW DOG in the eastern grotto and interact with it
  10. They call me SCARETHROW.: Listen to MR. SCARETHROW’S rant
    • After unlocking KEL’S tag ability, return to the newly accessible area the GATOR GUYS previously blocked off. Inside, throw objects at the scarecrow repeatedly
Three Days Left
  1. Christmas Crusher: Ruin Christmas
    • Cut down the Christmas tree
  2. Spring Sympathizer: Choose the SPRING MOLE
  3. Summer Sympathizer: Choose the SUMMER MOLE
  4. Fall Sympathizer: Choose the FALL MOLE
  5. Winter Sympathizer: Choose the WINTER MOLE
    • Find the four moles that are arguing about which season is the best. When asked which season is your favorite, select either SPRING/SUMMER/FALL/WINTER for their respective badges. To get all four in one playthrough, you must reload an earlier save
    • Fail the cooking mini-game in the kitchen
  7. Everyone’s a critic.: Watch all movies in SWEETHEART’S throne room
    • There are 11 different movies you need to trigger
  8. As expected from professionals!: Perfectly train the SPROUT MOLE choir
    • Pass the choir mini-game in the ballroom. If you do not succeed within three attempts, you must reload an earlier save
  9. Mmm… SWEETHEART, I mean, TOFU.: Hold 99 TOFU
    • TOFU can be acquired as a reward from battles or purchased from a store
  10. Too slow!: Don’t high-five KEL
    • When prompted, refuse to give KEL a high-five. Note that a later badge requires high-fiving KEL every day, so you must reload a save after earning this badge if you’d like to get both in one playthrough
  11. Up high…: High-five KEL
    • When prompted, agree to give KEL a high-five
  12. It’s honest work.: Complete all part-time jobs once
    • There are three part-time jobs in total. They can be picked up at OTHERMART, GINO’S PIZZA, and FIX-IT
  13. Against all odds…: Get a perfect score delivering PIZZA
    • Correctly deliver every order during the GINO’S PIZZA part-time job mini-game
  14. That can’t be good for business.: Quit in the middle of a part-time job
    • Interact with the bike after starting the GINO’S PIZZA part-time job, or with the store clerks for OTHERMART and FIX-IT. Make sure to reload an earlier save after earning the badge if you’d still like to earn money
  15. Math Whiz: Complete the math worksheet correctly
    • Answer all three questions correctly during the tutoring quest
  16. Grammar Whiz: Complete the grammar worksheet correctly
    • Answer all three questions correctly during the tutoring quest
Two Days Left
  1. xD: Get the LOL SWORD: Complete the WEEPING WILLOW quest
    • After picking up the JOKE BOOK in PYREFLY FOREST, obtain the construction joke from the sign in UNDERWATER HIGHWAY. Return to the forest and interact with the pond
  2. Hope and Vigor!: Complete the ORANGE JOE’S quest
    • Speak to ORANGE JOE at ORANGE JOE’S CLIFF to get the ORANGE CREST. Reach the second floor of DINO’S DIG to find ORAGNE JOE
  3. The Chosen One: Turn the valve to the right in RAIN TOWN
    • RAIN TOWN can be entered through the pond in ORANGE OASIS. You must solve the townspeople’s plight to get this badge
  4. Ain’t nobody here but us chickens.: Defeat the CHICKEN? at the top of DINO’S DIG
    • This boss can be encountered on the fourth floor of DINO’S DIG. You can only fight it once, so make a backup save ahead of time
  5. The currency of the future…: Trade CLAMS for CLEMS
    • Complete the B.E.D. and PESSI’S THING quests in SPROUT MOLE VILLAGE. Then, accept the SHADY MOLE’S offer outside of the LAST RESORT. You can get your CLAMS back by fighting the SHADY MOLE in the DEEP WELL
  6. Good Dog?: Pet all the creatures in MARINA’S sector in HUMPHREY
    • MARINA’S sector is in the middle. There are 8 animals you must pet. Note that selecting other options first may make it impossible to pet the animals
  7. Squizzard Exterminator: Defeat 100 SQUIZZARDS
    • SQUIZZARDS can be fought at the SEACOW FARMS. You can earn 500 CLAMS for every SQUIZZARD defeated by speaking to FARMER JIM
  8. I’ll just take that…: Take $20.00 from KEL’S wardrobe
  9. Bees?: Battle the “bees”
    • At FARAWAY PARK, there is a beehive near the tetherball court. Interacting with the hive will trigger a boss fight
  10. R.I.P.: Read all the tombstones in the… dev room…
    • During the story, you will eventually end up in a room filled with doors. There will be a lot of houses inside one of these doors. Rather than proceeding with the story, simply go to the top left to find the gravestone that lets you access the dev room
One Day Left
  1. Down low…: High-five KEL three times
    • Agree to high-five KEL every day during the SUNNY route
  2. Good Company: Go to SEAN and KAREN’S housewarming party
    • After helping the couple in FIX-IT during Three Days Left in the SUNNY route, you can attend the party at their home on the final day
  3. Minty Fresh: Brush your teeth every day
    • Go to the bathroom and interact with the sink on all three days
  4. Good Boy: Complete your TO-DO LIST
    • You will earn this naturally while on the OMORI route. Simply complete all your household chores every day
  5. A Bit Less Lonely: Commission all of GATOR GUY’S statues
    • You can find the GATOR GUY craftsman on the fourth floor of the LAST RESORT. He will create 7 statues in total
  6. Take Me to the River!: Let the plastic fish finish its song
    • After acquiring the BATTERIES from the RECYCLING MACHINE, insert them into the fish in the igloo. This is required to gain access to SNOWGLOBE MOUNTAIN
  7. Seriously, you’re the coolest!: Beat the BOSS RUSH
    • The BOSS RUSH can be found by entering the tube to the left of the puzzle section in MOLLY’S area. You must fight all prior story bosses in a row to earn this badge: YE OLD SPROUT, DOWNLOAD WINDOW, SPACE EX-BOYFRIEND, KING CRAWLER, SIR MAXIMUS I-III, LIFE JAM GUY, SWEETHEART, MR. JAWSUM, PLUTO (EXPANDED), THE SLIME GIRLS, and HUMPHREY


omori trophy guide

OMORI is a game that is best experienced for yourself. It’s not an easy title for completionists, but don’t let its intimidating trophy set stop you from giving it a chance. If you follow along with our flowchart, you can get immersed in the title without worrying about missing anything important.

Will you be attempting to earn OMORI’s platinum trophy? Who is your favorite character from OMORI? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

You might also enjoy our Stardew Valley trophy guide. Like OMORI, it is an incredibly popular indie darling that has surprising depth. Our article is up-to-date with the latest trophy set (Update 1.6) to help you earn every achievement.

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