Monster Camp: XXL Trophy Guide

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monster camp: xxl trophy guide platinum screenshot

At long last, the sequel to the notorious scourge of trophy hunters has been released for PlayStation consoles. This announcement surprised many players in 2024 who figured the rest of the series would be exclusive to PC marketplaces. Luckily for us, the developers have changed their minds; we now have the entire Monster Prom series to play in our preferred format!

Monster Camp: XXL may best be described as a competitive dating sim game. Up to 4 players can play together to compete over who gets the opportunity to take a character to the Meteor Shower at Camp Spooky—clearly, the (second!) most important milestone in anyone’s life.

The game is played like a visual novel with stat-based checks that can be manipulated via the use of a simplified game board. For example, if you want to increase your SMARTS, you should go to the woods during your turn. You have a set number of turns to increase your stats and make dialogue choices. The outcome of these choices will be based on whether or not you pass the associated stat checks.

Although the game sounds like it would be simple, the trophy hunting experience is anything but that. Like the original title, you must see every event in the game to obtain a trophy. In this case, it is named “Summer Experience.” That means you need to trigger every possible dialogue choice at least once. Not only that, but you must also successfully see every passing and failing result of these events to get “Life Experience.”

There are about 370 events in the game and nearly 1,200 outcomes to collect. Thankfully, there are a few quality-of-life features that make earning Monster Camp: XXL’s achievements much simpler than its predecessor.

At the time of this guide being posted, I am the only trophy hunter on PSN Profiles to have obtained the platinum trophy for Monster Camp: XXL. Since I previously earned all of the achievements from the first game, Monster Prom: XXL, I went into its sequel with a very good idea of what full completion would require.

I have created tips, tricks, and resources for this Monster Camp: XXL trophy guide based on my experience while earning the platinum trophy. My spreadsheet was created using the baseline information provided by vVRoseVv’s guide on Steam and adjusted with trophy hunter needs in mind.

Monster Prom: XXL vs. Monster Camp: XXL

If you’re a trophy hunter who’s played Monster Prom: XXL, you’re probably afraid to get invested in another title in the series. After all, the completion requirements of the original title were bordering on insanity. That’s why only 6 people have ever managed to complete it. If you’re looking for an in-depth guide to help you earn the platinum trophy in Monster Prom: XXL with the least amount of heartache, check out my trophy guide here.

Thankfully, Monster Camp: XXL is far more forgiving to completionists than the first game. While the premise is the same, many additions and changes to the gameplay made earning all outcomes in the game much simpler. The major changes Monster Camp: XXL implemented are described below:

  • Stat checks are different. In Monster Prom: XXL, there was often a degree of uncertainty regarding what threshold a stat needed to reach to pass or fail various events. In Monster Camp: XXL, these calculations are much more straightforward. In general, there are three factors:
    • If your stats are average, selecting the option with the higher stat will result in succeeding the event; selecting the option with the lower stat will result in failing the event.
    • If both stats are high, you will always pass the event.
    • If both stats are low, you will always fail the event.
  • The meta shop was added. Monster Camp: XXL allows players to unlock items and bonuses with the currency earned from every completed run. This includes costume packs, concept art, and drinks that can be used during a run.
  • Pick love interest events were removed. In Monster Prom: XXL, the first few events in a run would allow you to switch routes by gaining affection with other characters. These events no longer exist in Monster Camp: XXL. Since these events were very difficult to fail in Monster Prom: XXL, their absence in the sequel is a big boon to completionists.
  • Weekend and advice events were removed. In Monster Prom: XXL, many events required launching multiplayer games with varying numbers of players. For example, a dateable monster would ask for your advice on whether they should pursue a relationship with another player. Monster Camp: XXL completely removed these weekend events.
  • Follow-up events were removed. One of the more frustrating aspects of Monster Prom: XXL was the large number of events requiring specific outcomes from other events in the same run. That meant you not only needed to encounter the first event, but you also needed to fail or pass it in the desired way with enough time to trigger the second event. Thankfully, Monster Camp: XXL has no follow-up events.
  • The MONEY stat was removed. Monster Prom: XXL included an in-game shop that would take over one location every turn. Visiting the shop would result in no stats gained at that location, or any events. In return, you could spend MONEY you’d earned to alter your stats or proc various secret endings. In Monster Camp: XXL, no such MONEY stat or migrating store exists. That means every location is always available on your turn, and you no longer need to worry about accumulating funds for expensive items. On the other hand, you no longer have an easy place to visit to avoid raising meaningful stats.
  • Campfire events replaced lunchtime events. Special lunchtime events in Monster Prom: XXL allowed you to gain affection points with your desired monster a few times per run. You could also sit with a selection of side characters. Doing so would increase your stats, but wouldn’t necessarily help you get a date by the end of the game. In Monster Camp: XXL, this mechanic returned in the form of campfire events. There were a few key changes, though: you could either sit with another co-op player to gain stats or spread rumors to either positively or negatively affect the stats of any player in the game. Additionally, there were no auxiliary side characters to sit with. That means every romanceable character is always present at the campfire.
  • The drink stand replaced the shop. Once or twice per run, you obtain a free beverage from Juan’s drink stand that can alter your stats, trigger secret endings, or impact the gameplay in menial ways. Over time, you unlock the ability to select specific drinks you want to consume rather than leave it to chance. Many of these drinks are incredibly powerful, so using them optimally can either make or break your trophy hunt.
monster camp: xxl trophy guide drinks menu

Step-By-Step Guide

Please see below for a rundown of what your trophy hunting experience with Monster Camp: XXL will look like. Make sure to take some time to get familiar with the game’s mechanics and goals in step #1. There are 367 events and 1,196 unique outcomes to collect.

  1. Play the game naturally. Try to succeed and fail to take each love interest to the Meteor Shower. Once you start to receive substantially fewer new events and outcomes unlocked, proceed to step #2.
  2. Unlock all the meta shop items and try to see all the secret endings.
  3. Complete miscellaneous trophies that are not unlocked during normal gameplay.
    • “Ultimate Teamwork,” “Playing By Heart,” “Pure Loyalty,” and “Overkill” as described in the Buggy Trophies section.
    • “Fate Defiant”: Fail event #154 at the Scout HQ by having low SMARTS. Then, go on to find a date for the Meteor Shower.
    • “Updated Wardrobe”: Play the game with an outfit pack equipped.
    • “Selfcest”: Play a long multiplayer game. During the first night, select the “All-Brians” item at the drink stand. At the next campfire event, have two players sit at the love log together.
  4. Unlock “XOXO” and “Multiverse Parenthood” by completing all combinations of events in the Moss Mann and Calculester’s Flask Genie endings. See the relevant tabs in the spreadsheet tool to keep track of your progress.
  5. Record your progress from the in-game tracker in the Gallery into the spreadsheet tool. Although the game keeps track of your outcomes, you will want to keep track of them yourself going forward so you know what specific outcomes are required while in the middle of a run.

    Statistics 3 scaled
  6. Target specific characters or event types that you are behind with according to the spreadsheet tool.
    • Dates, campfire events, love log events, gossip events, secret endings, and location-specific events for all characters are all required.
  7. Make Hail Mary runs for very specific outcomes you need. Abuse the drink stand and gossip events to fine-tune your stats.

Spreadsheet Tool

To begin, download our spreadsheet tool “Monster Camp.” In addition, you may find it helpful to keep the official Monster Camp wiki open as a reference for what items to bring to camp and which ice-breaker response yields which love interest. Over time, you will likely memorize many of these and won’t need to check their effects.

Note that you may need to open the spreadsheet tool in Microsoft Excel to enable its full functionality. Additionally, much of the spreadsheet is protected to prevent accidental entries in non-input fields. If you need to edit the document, you can unprotect the sheet in the Review section of the ribbon at any time; no password is required. The document is hosted on Microsoft One Drive:

All Events Tab

The “All Events” tab is where you will spend most of your time as you play through the game. When you come across a dialogue choice, you should use CTRL+F to find it within the spreadsheet. You will be looking in columns I and K. Note that columns H and J tell you which stat will be checked for each dialogue option. Pick whichever you like, and enter a “1” in the appropriate box to record your choice; If you choose dialogue option #1 and pass, fill in the cell for column L; if you choose dialogue option #2 and fail, fill in the cell for column O; and so on.

You may notice that some cells are highlighted in yellow and have a “0” entered. This is 100% intentional and does not require any action on your part. Some dialogue options in the game have fewer than 4 outcomes; for example, campfire events only have 2 outcomes, as you always “succeed” whichever option you select. Another example would be the love log events. The game considers these events completed so long as you’ve encountered them once, which is why there is only one box available for input.

As you progress in the game, you may need to start paying attention to the other aspects of the spreadsheet.

  • Column C – Location: Some events are only obtainable when visiting specific in-game locations;
  • Column D – Event Type: Some events can only be obtained at certain points in the game. For example, dates can only occur at the end of a run, and gossip events only take place at the campfire;
  • Column E – Route: Many events can only be obtained when pursuing specific characters;
  • Column F – Prerequisite: Some events can only be triggered with specific actions taken in-game. There are very few of these, but they are self-explanatory;
  • Column G – Item Required: Some events can only be obtained when you have selected certain drinks or are on track for specific endings. These are acquired at the drink stand;
  • Column R – Event Complete: Once columns L through O have been filled with the appropriate number of ones, this cell will turn green. This indicates that you are completely done with that event.

There is one more cell of note on the “All Events” tab. Cell Z1 calculates your overall progression through all of the event outcomes based on your entries in the spreadsheet.

You may also notice some hidden columns. These are more niche, and some are used as helper columns later in the spreadsheet. You can unhide them if you like. Of note would be column S and columns T-Y. Column S indicates events that you have not encountered a single time, and are thus classified as “new” events. Columns T-Y indicate which characters are present in each event, making it easy to filter the “All Events” tab with a desired character in mind.

Pivot Tab

The “Pivot” tab is where the behind-the-scenes calculations will be performed as you fill out the spreadsheet. Depending on your settings, you may need to manually refresh the data between runs. To do this, simply click into any table, then in the ribbon click on PivotTable Analyze –> Data –> Refresh All.

There are many tables with various items of interest that will help provide direction to you as you play through the game. These show the number of outcomes you still need for each character based on the following categories:

  • Events with non-specific locations;
  • Events with specific locations;
  • Campfire events;
  • Date events;
  • Secret ending events.

The recommendation is to focus your playthroughs on whichever character has the largest number of outcomes remaining in rows 12 or 24. You can double-click on any number in a table to open a detailed view of the specific events. These are generated on demand, so feel free to delete any “Detail” tabs when you no longer need them. If you’re partial to the layout of the “Pivot” tab from my “Monster Prom” spreadsheet, it is still available as a hidden tab.

Endings Checklist Tab

The “Endings Checklist” tab will help you keep track of which endings you have already seen. If you follow the “All Events” tab in its entirety, this information will be largely unnecessary. Just make sure that you actually get the secret ending by asking the right character to the Meteor Shower at the end of a run!

However, it can be helpful to see at a glance what secret endings you still need to complete and how to unlock them. Not only that, but it also keeps track of whether or not you’ve completed every outcome in a given secret ending. This tab calculates your progress autonomously based on your entries in the “All Events” tab and does not require any additional input on your part.

Moss Mann & Fatherhood Variations Tabs

Finally, we have the two “Variations” tabs. These were created to help keep track of your progress toward the “XOXO” gossip trophy and the “Multiverse Parenthood” trophies respectively. You must experience all 8 different variations of the events in both endings to earn these trophies. Simply enter a value in column F to indicate you’ve completed a particular row once finished with a run.

Again, make sure you actually ask the appropriate character to the Meteor Shower (alone for the Moss Mann ending or Calculester for the Fatherhood ending), as you must see the actual ending to get credit toward the trophy.

Buggy Trophies

There are 4 trophies in Monster Camp: XXL that currently unlock under the wrong conditions. These trophies are intended to be unlocked with the following requirements:

  1. “Ultimate Teamwork”: Create a 4-player multiplayer game with each player pursuing a different love interest. Select the “Community Punch” from the drink stand as soon as you can. Proceed to get a good ending for every player at the Meteor Shower.
  2. “Playing By Heart”: Select the “Ski Mask” or “Dark ‘n’ Stormy” from the drink stand as soon as you can. Proceed to get a good ending at the Meteor Shower.
  3. “Pure Loyalty”: Visit the same location during every turn in a long game. Select the “Loyalty Lemonade” from the drink stand as soon as you can.
  4. “Overkill”: Raise all of your stats above 100. This can be accomplished easily with the “Spook” drink, which is unlocked in the meta shop after 100 runs.

The PlayStation release of Monster Camp: XXL mismatched the achievements to their requirements. That means targeting one of the above achievements unlocks a different one than you would expect.

To unlock “Ultimate Teamwork,” you must complete the requirements for “Pure Loyalty.”

To unlock “Playing By Heart,” you must complete the requirements for “Overkill.”

To unlock “Pure Loyalty,” you must complete the requirements for “Playing By Heart.”

To unlock “Overkill,” you must complete the requirements for “Ultimate Teamwork.”

Hopefully, these trophies will be fixed in the future. Otherwise, they can be completed with the above workaround in mind.

Tips & Tricks

  • Use the drink stand efficiently. Familiarize yourself with what the drink stand items do to your social stats. You will want to have a good idea of which drinks boost your stats, which ones tank them, and which ones basically do nothing.
    • The “Stat Smoothie” and “The Spook” are the best ways to boost all of your stats across the board. The former adds +6 points to your stats and the latter boosts everything to 100. Note that “The Spook” is only available for selection at the very end of a run. You can also use the following for specific +5 stat boosts:
      • “Maaargherita” = SMARTS
      • “Sanguina” = CHARM
      • “Sex on the Beach” = FUN
      • “Imagination Shots” = CREATIVITY
      • “Phobia Shots” = BOLDNESS
    • The “Poison” is the best way to decrease all of your stats by -6 points. You can also use “Toilet Juice” and “Bone-Hurting Juice” to do the same with lesser effect, -2 and -1 respectively.
    • Many drinks are required for specific endings. The “Flask Genie” for example unlocks a special secret ending for every romanceable character.
    • The “Love Potion no. 9” practically guarantees a date event by the end of a run. It greatly boosts your affection with the character you’re pursuing.
    • There are a few drinks that you can select if you don’t want to change any stats at all. These include any drinks that change player names, names of stats, in-game music, and more. Easy picks include the “Apple Juice” that does nothing or the “Gamer Girl Bathwater” that changes the music.
  • Pack the right items for camp (within reason). The items you bring to camp can help with early events but generally don’t impact your overall run. Don’t spend a lot of time here min/maxing certain stats, but do try to get the hang of what each item boosts. That way, if you’re targeting a specific outcome, you can avoid particular stats without needing to reference the wiki.
  • Get comfortable with button mashing. You will likely go through a lot of repeat dialogues trying to trigger the ones you want. Be careful, as you don’t want to skip past a required dialogue option on accident. Once you’ve completed all the campfire and date events, don’t worry about which character you sit with at night. It is highly unlikely that you will earn enough affection points to switch routes, so feel free to mash through these freely.
  • Take advantage of gossip and love log events. If you need to boost or tank specific stats, these events are key. Sitting alone on the love log during a multiplayer game can decrease your stats while sitting with someone else can boost them. Additionally, you can boost or tank a specific stat with the gossip events by +/- 4 points. You can still create gossip in a single-player game, too!
  • Do both single-player and multiplayer games. Multiplayer games have special love log events that do not trigger in single-player games. Additionally, the co-op secret ending requires a second player. For location-specific events, choosing 4-player games can help boost your odds of getting the events you want.
    • You only need 1 controller and can do the entire game solo.
    • For example, if you need a manor event with Damien, have every player character pursue him in different locations so that you can gradually lessen the potential pool of events. This will increase the likelihood of getting the manor-specific event to trigger for the appropriate player.
  • Triggering the Bagel/Dungeon ending. The hardest event for the author to obtain was during Aaravi’s Bagel/Dungeon ending. I played for several hours without even triggering the secret ending a single time. Although I read others’ testimonies online claiming the location you visit doesn’t matter, I only managed to activate this ending by going to the lake. Your mileage may vary but be prepared for a lot of dead runs here.
  • Don’t be afraid to reset. If you are nearing the end of the trophy grind and only need a few specific outcomes but are getting bad RNG (not getting the campfire event you want, not triggering certain endings in time, etc), then simply hit pause and quit.
  • Don’t worry about unfamiliar trophies. The bulk of Monster Camp: XXL’s trophies are acquired from interacting with specific events or outcomes. Unless specified elsewhere in this guide, these will all unlock naturally throughout your journey to see every outcome in the game. That includes the “Special Stuff” you can view in the Gallery.
  • Try to go to locations where you have the lowest stats. For example, low SMARTS? Go to the woods. Low BOLDNESS? Go to the manor. Ideally, you will complete outcomes where you need to fail a stat check at a location where that same stat gets boosted. These can be incredibly frustrating to try and get later on.
  • Failing a boosted stat check is easier with certain drinks. It can be tough to fail a stat check when you’re required to keep visiting the location where that particular stat gets increased. There are two important ways that you can mitigate this weakness:
    • “Pina Skullada”: If you feel the stat you need to fail with is getting too big, use this drink to swap it with a different stat of your choice. This pairs well with “Poison,” as it renders the needed stat deep into the negatives.
    • “Bloody Mary”: This drink makes it so that instead of increasing a stat at a given location, it decreases. This prevents your character from ballooning a particular stat too much.
  • Short and long games have different strengths and weaknesses. It is generally more difficult to min/max your stats properly in short games. Also, it’s a lot harder to thin the pool of possible events in short games to try and make specific events you need more likely to appear. There are also fewer special events in short games, like campfire events and drink stand visits.
    • You will primarily want to play long games while pursuing the trophies.
    • Short games can be decent choices only if you need something hyper-specific and think it’ll save time. For example, date events can be acquired quickly in short games when using the “Love Potion no. 9” drink.
  • New playable characters don’t affect any trophies. Monster Camp: XXL has a few DLC packs you can purchase to unlock new playable characters. There are also a few you can unlock within the game. These are purely cosmetic and do not impact any trophies. They may alter your Gallery stats, however.
  • Save your memories for drinks. Every completed run will unlock currency that you can spend in the meta store on the main menu. I recommend saving your memories and spending them on drinks. Concept art is cool, but save it for later!

Below are images of my completed endings and drinks pages of the Gallery. This may be a helpful reference for comparison if you’re unsure what drinks you haven’t consumed yet or what endings you haven’t fully completed for their respective achievements.


monster camp: xxl trophy guide gallery stats screenshot

After an eventful few weeks at Camp Spooky, you may just be the next proud owner of Monster Camp: XXL’s platinum trophy! Let us know if you found our Monster Camp: XXL trophy guide helpful!

Who is your favorite monster bachelor/bachelorette in this title? Will you try to unlock this elusive platinum trophy? If you’re looking for an easier game, check out our post about Donut County next!

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