Little Noah: Scion of Paradise is a unique action roguelite game that was released for PlayStation consoles in Summer 2022. It received generally favorable reviews from critics and players alike. The cute aesthetic, buddy Champ system, and tight platforming controls were all highlights to the experience.
Despite the positive reception, you would not be alone in never having heard of this game. Even more surprising, this is not the first entry in the series; Little Noah initially debuted on mobile devices in Japan in 2015. The English version, appropriately named “Battle Champs,” released worldwide in 2016. Both versions have since terminated service. You can see what the game looked like in its prime here if you’re curious.
Trophy hunters may want to think twice about getting the successor if they’re at all unsure whether they’d enjoy playing it. Getting the platinum trophy for Little Noah: Scion of Paradise requires near mastery over the game and easily 50+ runs through the story. Depending on your luck, skill, and which version of the game you purchase, this could take anywhere from 30-50 hours, with some guides citing up to 100 hours. This quickly becomes tedious even for those that really enjoy the game.
For those of you that are still interested in a difficult yet rewarding platinum that only 350 players have, we have put together a collection of tips and tricks to help you on your journey. Read about our experience getting the platinum trophy for Little Noah: Scion of Paradise and implement our advice in your gameplay.
Table of Contents
Basic Guide

Below is a very basic rundown of what your trophy hunting experience with Little Noah: Scion of Paradise will look like. Since this game is a roguelite, keep in mind that these steps can technically be done in whatever order you wish.
In general, you will need to beat the game under a variety of difficulties and modes while slowly unlocking badges in the Adventurer’s Log. 59 of these badges must be collected in order to get the elusive platinum trophy.
- Complete the story on Easy or Normal difficulty.
- Continue making runs to upgrade your airship and Liliputs.
- Defeat bosses without taking damage on Easy difficulty.
- Beat the story on Hard difficulty.
- Beat the story on Hell mode. *
- Grind for any badges & trophies you still need. The most common remaining requirements are:
- Deal 2.5 million damage for each element;
- Reach a 200-hit combo;
- Obtain 450,000 coins;
- Use 30 potions;
- Acquire 100 red/green/blue crystals;
- Use 100 avatar bursts;
- Reach a maximum bond with 40 Liliputs.
*This is not technically required for the platinum trophy; however, it is strongly recommended as it will save you time. Read more in the Beat Hell Mode section below.
Tips & Tricks for Little Noah: Scion of Paradise
While trophy guides may cite up to 100+ runs to obtain the platinum trophy, you can cut that time significantly if you know a few tricks. Below, I outline tips I’ve learned over the course of my time with Little Noah: Scion of Paradise.
Check Your Progress in the Menu
Almost every single task required to get the platinum trophy in Little Noah: Scion of Paradise is recorded in an in-game tracker. You just need to open your menu, navigate to the Player tab, and press the square button to open up the Achievements menu.
The only task you need to do that is not listed here is defeating Rascals. The trophy “Master of the Chase” requires beating 50 of the money-grubbing monsters. That said, this will likely be acquired naturally while going for everything else.

Get the DLC
The DLC makes the trophies much faster and easier to obtain. It only costs 5.00 USD and goes on sale regularly. The author purchased the Special Edition with the DLC all included for 5.99 USD. The DLC has the following benefits:
- Overpowered Liliputs;
- Overpowered accessories;
- Relaxed requirements for the “Accessory Collector” trophy;
- Better avatars.
Beat Hell Mode
Hell mode was included in a free update for Little Noah: Scion of Paradise post-release. It is intended to be a challenge mode in which you die from a single hit—even from traps. Beating the game with this mode enabled will unlock a badge. With the right preparations, this can be done fairly easily and can allow you to skip one other badge that you otherwise would need to complete for the trophy “Ultimate Explorer.”
While this may seem difficult, it actually isn’t so bad. Here are some ways to make Hell mode easier:
- Set the game to Easy difficulty. This ensures that enemies go down quickly.
- Use Zipper’s avatar. His avatar burst grants you invincibility for about 10 seconds, which can be vital during bosses. You also get one free refill for an avatar burst at the start of each stage on Hell mode.
- This mode is excellent for farming avatar bursts, if you still need them.
- Skip any monster lairs, trap floors, or anything remotely risky.
- Save before bosses and any floors you’re worried about. If you die, you can quickly go to the PlayStation dashboard, close the game, and reload back to the start of the stage. Make sure you do so before the dying animation finishes.
- Make sure to have all DLC accessories and Liliputs enabled, as they are extremely powerful.
Successful completion of Hell mode will also grant you the powerful Gold Zipper Statue, which greatly reduces Aether Thrust cooldown time. This can be really helpful in certain builds and circumstances.

Focus on Two Elements
If you follow my advice and plan to do Hell mode, you will have more flexibility about what other badge you’d like to skip in the Adventurer’s Log. I recommend skipping one of the badges that require reaching 2.5 million elemental damage.
While you can choose your least favorite to ignore, I would recommend neglecting the Wind element. The critical-based nature of Ice elemental attacks and raw power of Fire types makes them both ideal for grinding for damage. The Wind type consistently lagged behind in my playthroughs since their focus is primarily in attaining high hit-counts and boosting your avatar burst replenish rate.
For that reason, I would recommend only using Liliputs with either a Fire or an Ice elemental type. Whatever you choose to do, make sure to avoid using any Neutral types, as they do not contribute to these three badges.
Use Zipper’s Avatar
Once you get to the point where the game poses no challenge to you, you should definitely be using Zipper’s avatar whenever possible. He is faster, has better jumps, and gets invincibility effects.
Furthermore, instead of getting the three Neutral Champs Ratty, Huey, and Thump at the start of every run, you will instead receive a randomized pool of Liliputs. This is great because you will almost always get elemental types with higher damage outputs. Better Liliputs get you through encounters faster, thus reducing your overall time spent grinding.
The only exception is if you still need to use potions for the related badge and trophy, “Healing Remedy.” Unfortunately, using Zipper means that you are not allowed to use potions. So, if you need to use 30 potions still, you’ll have to use one of Little Noah’s avatars first. Speaking of which…
Farm Potions as Needed
One of the upgrades your airship harbors has to do with potion refills. At the start of every stage, you can replenish your stock of potions up to a maximum capacity of 4. If you need to grind potion uses, there is a very simple way to do so.
Finish the level by exploring each room and finding the exit. Go to a room with traps in it, and purposefully take damage. Use one of your potions. Rinse and repeat until you are out of healing items. Then, warp back to the start of the level and refill your potion reserve. That way, you are entering the next stage with full healing items and can repeat the process there. In this way, you get at least 4 potions used per level. With this strategy, you can easily consume 10-15 potions in one run.
Turn Off Accessories And Liliputs You Don’t Need
If you are stuck on end-game accessory grinding, you should turn off any accessories you’ve already found and unlocked to prevent them from showing up. This is especially important if you have the DLC, as it seems like the rate of these items is boosted.
You can also turn off any Liliputs you’ve unlocked from DLC or airship repairs that you don’t need. For example, if you’ve reached the necessary 2.5 million damage for Ice types, you should disable the relevant Ice Liliputs; or, if you choose to ignore the Wind types altogether as I did, you should disable them entirely.
You can do this by opening up the pause menu, going to the System tab, and clicking the “Customize Game” option. Pressing X allows you to enable and disable items, Liliputs, and airship repairs at will. Take advantage of this to ease your time in grinding.

Save Scumming Works (Sometimes)
As referenced above, you are able to save before levels you are worried about dying in. If you close the game before your dying animation plays out, you are able to reload the game from the start of the stage. This is huge if you are struggling with defeating bosses without taking damage, as you can easily reset and try again if you take a hit.
That said, this method DOES NOT change the RNG elements of a stage. In other words, saving and reloading does not reroll any aspects of the stage you are entering. All room layouts, battles, rewards from chests, etc. will be exactly the same as before your reset. So, save your time and effort and don’t bother save scumming for that purpose.
200-Hit Combo Made Easy
The trophy guide on PSN Profiles written by TakahashiDemon has a fantastic tip regarding the trophy “Combo Master.” You can read their breakdown here, but essentially, you want to get two healing type enemies together and clear out any other enemies from the room. At that point, you are free to slowly hit one of them over and over, ensuring that your damage does not exceed the healing of its ally. You may need to equip a low-level Liliput to make sure you don’t do too much damage.
This is very easy to accomplish and should net you the badge and related trophy within a matter of minutes. Remember: although the trophy “Combo Master” calls for only a 150-hit combo, you need to reach 200-hits for a badge, which is needed for the all-encompassing “Ultimate Explorer” trophy.
Best Liliputs to Use
In my experience, the following Liliputs provided the most value in a variety of ways. Note that many of these are from the DLC packs as they are extremely powerful.
- Reaper (Ice)
- This Champ’s skill attack has an extremely large range and deals crazy amounts of damage.
- She also has the chance to inflict instant Death on enemies.
- Her attacks can be further enhanced with critical-boosting accessories, making her one of the highest damage-outputting Liliputs in the game.
- Sophie (Ice)
- This old witch Liliput has a skill attack that acts like a black hole, drawing in nearby enemies and locking them in place.
- This move is especially helpful, as it can attack enemies with shields (Drakes) from the front.
- Bramwell (Wind)
- The vampire Liliput has a very effective skill move that allows him to attack enemies and heal you at the same time.
- This can be nice when you’re out of potions or using the Zipper avatar where you are prevented from healing yourself.
- Quickshot (Fire)
- This Liliput is great because his regular attack pierces and is executed very quickly.
- Most Fire type Liliputs do high amounts of damage but have long wind-up times to compensate. Quickshot negates this downside.
- Chuck (Wind)
- Chuck is a great Liliput for farming for high combos in a more natural manner.
- He is also exceptional for target rooms where you need to hit 40+ targets to get the best reward. His attack comes out quickly, has decent horizontal range, and also tracks upward, so you can fairly easily clear out any layout with him.
- Freya (Ice)
- Like Chuck, Freya is a great choice for target rooms.
- Her attack comes out quickly, has a decent vertical range, and a very wide horizontal hitbox. This essentially makes her the foil to Chuck.
Give Gifts to Zipper
After you’ve maxed out 40 Liliputs’ affection, you may be wondering what you should do with those pesky gift boxes. Well, a great choice would be to give them to Zipper instead. Doing so will unlock his support for the following run, including additional Liliputs, items, and money.
This is especially helpful if you are grinding for more accessories for the “Accessory Collector” trophy. He may either give you something you need—like the first step in an evolutionary accessory—or thin the pool of available items to make finding what you do actually need in the dungeon easier.
Spend Mana on the Accessory Cauldron
In a similar vein to the above, once you’ve finished repairing the airship, there is only one use for Mana you collect: spending it to get accessories for your next run. The cost for these increases exponentially, so keep that in mind before mashing the button.
It might be worth noting that you can downgrade the rarity of provided accessories using the “Customize Game” menu. It can be helpful to reduce the quality of the facility if you still need the evolutionary accessory items. Downgrading the accessory cauldron to level one gives you the chance to receive the first item in a set, like the Cryoblast Charm I or Blazing Talisman I, for example.
The Trial Mode
Yet another free update to Little Noah, this mode was added to sate players looking for harder challenges. If you’re confident in your skill with the game, you can consider doing this in lieu of one of the other badges in the Adventurer’s Log. It should be noted however that unlike Hell mode, this is much more difficult and likely not worth the heartache.
One benefit to this mode is that it provides an easy way to farm for red/blue/green crystals. You can enter a trial, grab a crystal, and quit from the menu without actually completing any fights. If needed, you can use this method to grind for the required 100 crystals of each element.
Aether Thrusts
It is possible to use Aether Thrusts to avoid tricky boss attacks or troublesome enemy types. This is especially true if you’ve unlocked the Gold Zipper Statue (the reward for beating Hell mode) that recharges your meter extremely quickly.
This can be helpful if you are struggling with certain bosses on higher difficulties. You can see me demonstrate this to avoid Queen’s attack in the clip below. Just spam Aether Thrusts to go off-screen until it’s safe to continue the fight.
Another time this can be useful is if you are dealing with the teddy bear Liliput, Buttons. This enemy will chase you and explode after it has been dealt enough damage. On higher difficulties, it can be challenging to defeat him before he explodes… And if he does, it can sometimes knock you out in one hit. Using Aether Thrusts can give you enough distance and height to avoid this annoying outcome.

Little Noah: Scion of Paradise is a hidden gem that could’ve only been improved with more content. It is also a worthy challenge for any trophy hunter to take on. Will you try to go for this platinum trophy? If you’ve already played the game, which Champ is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!
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