Every list published by the Plat Rat Trophy Hunters website is shown on this page. This includes lists of games, trophies that share something in common, discussions about trophy hunting culture, and more. If a post includes an ordered list of things, it will be here.
7 of the Best Nintendo Games for Completionists
The urge to complete games to their fullest extends well beyond the PlayStation ecosystem. What Nintendo games for completionists are out there? Read our list to find out!
The 5 Types of Trophy Hunters
Trophy hunting is a niche hobby in the gaming space in which developers create challenges that dedicated players aim to complete. This is a list of the five different types of trophy hunters based on their attitude toward the hobby.
9 Ways to Improve a Poor Trophy Hunting Profile
Developing a respectable trophy hunting profile full of platinums takes a great deal of commitment. Whether you want to improve your profile for your own satisfaction or to show off to others, we’ve got you covered.
10 of the Most Difficult Platinum Trophies to Unlock
Many trophy hunters pursue platinums because they crave a challenge. This list is a collection of some of the most difficult platinum trophies out there. If you want to add more prestige to your trophy list, read on.