Every list published by the Plat Rat Trophy Hunters website is shown on this page. This includes lists of games, trophies that share something in common, discussions about trophy hunting culture, and more. If a post includes an ordered list of things, it will be here.
Our Most Anticipated PlayStation Games of 2025
With PlayStation’s first State of Play in 2025 now under wraps, there are plenty of great games to look forward to this year! Read on to find out what our most anticipated PlayStation games of 2025 are. We’d love to earn platinum trophies for all of the titles on this list.
Navigating PlayStation Sales: 6 Money-Saving Tips for Trophy Hunters
Trophy hunters have to budget their time and finances in order to earn achievements. What ways can you stretch your hard-earned dollars? Below, I outline how you can save money while planning your next trophy hunt.
12 Achievements That Made Trophy Hunters Uncomfortable
How far are you willing to go to unlock a new achievement? Whether by doing something outrageous, awkward, or downright nefarious, sometimes developers want you to get out of your comfort zone. Would you earn these uncomfortable trophies?
9 Ways We Make Trophies Harder Than They Need To Be
Many trophy hunters collect achievements because they crave a challenge. The most dedicated players even set their own goals and restrictions that ramp up the difficulty of completion. In this article, we discuss 9 ways that trophy hunters make achievements harder than they need to be.
11 Unexpected Exploits and Glitches That Made Trophies Easier
Trophy hunting often goes hand in hand with exploits and glitches. The quest for platinum trophies can be fraught with grindy and difficult challenges. What are some ways that trophy hunters broke the mold and got trophies much easier than intended?
Trophy Hunting Pros and Cons
Hunting for platinum trophies can be a great way to add more color to your gaming sessions. Before you get too invested, you might want to check out our list of trophy hunting pros and cons to figure out whether you have what it takes.