Digimon All-Star Rumble Trophy Guide

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Digimon All-Star Rumble is a PlayStation 3 game in the popular monster battling series. Although the series dates back to the original PlayStation days, this one is the first entry to boast trophy support. We created this Digimon All-Star Rumble trophy guide in the hopes that it might help other trophy hunters taking on this tedious title in the future.

The game has a story mode and a local PvP mode, each with their own set of trophies to be completed.

In the story mode, you play as one of 12 of the most popular characters in 8 linear levels. Each level begins with an exploration stage and ends with a fight with another Digimon. Simply clearing all the stages in story mode will earn 8 trophies; one for each stage. Clearing the story mode once with each character will unlock the trophy, “One Who Reigns Over Heroes.”

The battle mode, although requiring far less time than the story mode, holds the keys to 28 distinct bronze trophies.

  • There are 12 “Partner” trophies that require you to play as each character at least 20 times in battle.
  • 10 trophies are related to playing on each of the battle maps at least 10 times.
  • Lastly, 6 trophies require the player to engage with each of the various game modes (capture the flag, survival, damage race, and more) at least 10 times.

There are also 3 “Gimme” trophies that are earned simply by playing the game for a set amount of time. The gold trophy titled “Thank You Very Much!” is unlocked once you’ve clocked in 50 or more hours of total playtime achieved. (No need to worry—you will get this one naturally. You have to play double or triple this amount to get all the trophies!)

For trophy hunters, the remaining 6 trophies are the most paramount. They relate to two tasks: earning Bits and collecting DigiCards. Both tasks must be accomplished in the story mode and will take up the lion’s share of your trophy hunt.

Overall, you’re looking at about 100-150 hours of playtime to get this platinum trophy under your belt. We at Plat Rat Trophy Hunters have created and compiled all the best information out there to try to make this game more manageable based on our own experience getting the platinum trophy. You will find detailed tips & tricks, maps, and spreadsheets below in our Digimon All-Star Rumble trophy guide to help you on your trophy hunt.

Basic Guide

Please see below for a very basic rundown of what your trophy hunting experience with Digimon All-Star Rumble will look like. We have also created maps of each of the story mode levels to help you learn the stage layouts. Make sure to enter any DigiCards you collect at any point in our spreadsheet tool!

  1. Get familiar with the controls in training mode.
  2. Complete your first story playthrough.
  3. Complete the story mode with every character.
  4. Grind battle mode.
  5. Farm for DigiCards in story mode.
    • Reset levels until you obtain the specific DigiCard you need.
    • 152 DigiCards must be found in the different story routes.
  6. Farm for Bits in story mode.
    • Make sure you don’t spend ANY Bits until you’ve acquired the trophy “Diving in Bits.” You need at least 250,000 Bits in your wallet at once to unlock this.
    • You will need 748,200 Bits in total to purchase all 48 DigiCards in the Shop.
digimon all-star rumble trophy guide: map legend


To begin, download our spreadsheet tool “Digimon All-Star Rumble.” This workbook’s primary purpose is to aid you in keeping track of your DigiCard collection and farming efforts. Please note that the workbook’s macros may not work properly in online spreadsheet software. For the best experience, open the file in Microsoft Excel. I will explain all the tabs in the workbook, but you will only need to use one in practice.

The file is hosted on One Drive:

Directions Tab

This page outlines the step-by-steps for using the workbook. You can reference this page until you are comfortable using the tool. Of note, the “Reset” button allows you to return the workbook to its original state. This can be helpful if you have made a mistake and need to start over.

User Entry Tab

The “User Entry” tab is where you will spend all your time. You only need to answer two questions to use the spreadsheet: what Digimon route you are pursuing in story mode and what DigiCard you’ve obtained. Both cells are protected from invalid entries.

When you start a new playthrough, simply enter which character you are playing as for Q1. The list of acceptable entries will be adjusted as you complete different Digimon stories. In other words, if a Digimon has no new DigiCards to collect, that Digimon will be removed from consideration. You can also select an option for the Shop should you wish to see a list of cards you still need to purchase.

Anytime you collect a new DigiCard, enter its number for Q2. It will be removed from the list automatically. You have to fill in Q1 in order to answer Q2.

You may notice the cells highlighted in gray. These show your overall progression toward the “Cards Complete!” trophy and can inform you on how far along you are. The list of DigiCards at the bottom of the page are populated based on whichever Digimon’s route you are running and are sorted by level order. That way, you can quickly see whether a stage has a DigiCard that you still need or if you are free to continue to the next level without resetting.

Work >> Tab

Serves only as a header. Anything to the right of this sheet is used for calculation purposes.

Original Tab

This sheet has information for all 200 DigiCards in the game. It is unaltered and can be used as a reference. It is also used as a basis for the “Reset” button. Information in this sheet was compiled by Gearwing65.

User’s List Tab

This sheet is a copy of the “Original” tab but is updated as the user collects DigiCards. When new cards have been obtained, they are removed from this list. To put it simply, it is a living record of your progress toward the “Cards Complete!” trophy.

Tips & Tricks

In addition to the spreadsheet, there are also a few pointers I’ve learned over the course of my many playthroughs of Digimon All-Star Rumble. These may save you time or heartache as you play through the game.

  • Jumping. You can hold ✖ to jump continuously. This can sometimes be faster than running.
  • Dodging. You can use L1 to dodge out of combos.
    • This works in story mode overworld fights and can be helpful if you are being stone-locked by repeated hits from Goblimon.
  • Blocking. Some super attacks from digivolved enemies can be blocked with R1.
  • Grinding for specific DigiCards. If you are grinding for specific DigiCards in story mode—for example, the Togemon card found in the Castle of Veemon’s story—you should skip any unnecessary fights and boxes. Simply beeline for the card chest and reset the level until you get what you need.
    • As in the Castle example, you would ignore the switches and go straight for the middle of the stage. This will save you a lot of time.
  • Update your digivolution choice. You should almost always use the unlocked digivolutions over the original ones.
    • They tend to be stronger and stay transformed for longer than the base forms.
  • Use Shoutmon for end-game grinding. He is the best for grinding for Bits.
    • △ + ◯ is his best move, as it pierces and OHKO’s most enemies in the overworld.
    • ◯ → ▢ → ▢ → ▢ is great for crowds.
  • Multiplayer exploit. You can save a lot of time when getting the battle mode trophies by using multiple controllers. You can read more about this trick here.
  • Don’t save before battles. There is absolutely no reason to save before any fights in story mode.
    • If you lose, you are reloaded in front of the Digimon regardless of whether you used the save point or not.
    • Although marginal, these time savings can add up.
  • Take advantage of poor AI pathing. You can trick the AI on certain stages.
    • This is most beneficial on the Forest and Castle stages, which are timed rather than score based and have ledges. See below for examples of where you can stand.
    • I would often get the lead and then stall out the clock until the match ended.
digimon all-star rumble trophy guide: castle battle technique
digimon all-star rumble trophy guide: forest battle technique
  • Wormmon movement technique. Wormmon is easily the slowest character in the entire game. You should use his ✖ → ◯ move to cover ground much faster.
  • Boltmon tips. The axe-wielding Digimon, Boltmon, can be easily defeated. You just need to run in a circle around him counterclockwise (↺) to avoid getting hit.
    • In other words, you just need to run in the direction of his unarmed hand.
  • Ebemon tips. The Digimon with the annoying laser attack, Ebemon, cannot hit you when you’re close. On the Beach stage, you can make him back up into a corner and defeat him without any risk of damage.
  • Tortomon tips. The spinning Digimon, Tortomon, appears in a group of three on the Beach stage. Normally this would be a huge pain.
    • When grinding for Bits as Shoutmon, you can defeat them quickly by going to the top right of the platform and using your laser attack (△ + ◯) as shown below. If you’re lucky and aim well, you can hit all three of them with this move.
digimon all-star rumble trophy guide: beach battle technique


Digimon All-Star Rumble will take a lot of dedication for trophy hunters to complete. Let us know if you found our tools helpful! Which Digimon is your favorite? Will you try to get this platinum trophy using our Digimon All-Star Rumble trophy guide? If you enjoyed this breakdown, you might also like our guide for Monster Prom: XXL.

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