About Us

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Plat Rat Trophy Hunters was created on the premise that fully completing video games is the best way to show your love and appreciation for gaming. We cover all aspects of trophy hunting, ranging from analyses of the hobby, lesser-known tips for specific achievements, and even resources to help you on your journey to acquire platinum trophies. Our goal is to provide value to both established members of the trophy hunting community and aspiring completionists.

The name of the blog originated from the philosophy that drives trophy hunters. We are a lot like pack rats: creatures that are known for finding and collecting shiny objects. Our desire to accumulate digital collectibles in the form of platinum trophies makes us all “Plat Rats.”

Plat Rat Trophy Hunters is not affiliated with any external company, organization, or website in any way. This blog is independently operated and maintained by a single creator with a passion for the medium.

The site’s creator earned their very first platinum trophy in 2016 on PlayStation 4, having previously focused on achievement hunting on Xbox 360. Some of their favorite platinum trophies include Tales of Vesperia, Borderlands 2, and Catherine: Full Body.