PlayStation Game Randomizer

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Not sure what PlayStation game you should play next? Have you ever wanted to let RNG decide your fate for your next platinum trophy? Or, are you looking for ideas on what games to include for your Alphabet Challenge? Try our PlayStation Game Randomizer tool!

Be as specific as you like and we will give you one game out of 10,000 possible titles to play. May the odds be in your favor!

How to Use the PlayStation Game Randomizer

  1. Enter your desired quality from a scale of 0-5. If you’d like only games that are high quality, consider selecting a minimum score of 4.0.
  2. Enter your desired time investment. This is how long you want to spend completing the game’s platinum trophy.
  3. Enter your desired trophy rarity, ranging from common to ultra rare. This can serve as a loose proxy for difficulty.
  4. If you’re trying to do the Alphabet Challenge, enter your desired letter.
    • The Alphabet Challenge is where you try to get a platinum trophy for a game representing every letter of the alphabet.
  5. If you’d like to only consider games from the PlayStation Plus catalog of titles, please select the appropriate checkboxes.
  6. Press the “Give me a random game!” button and see your results!
    • If the randomizer doesn’t return a game, you may have entered impossible conditions. Note that the more specific you are in your selections, the less options there will be to randomize.

PlayStation Game Randomizer

PlayStation game randomizer: logo

Desired ★ Rating from 0-5:

Developer Notes

  1. Updated February 2025.
  2. Over 10,600 games are included in the PlayStation Game Randomizer tool.
  3. If you’d like a 100% random game, leave all of the default settings.
  4. Duplicate region, platform, and version stacks have been removed. This prevents any bias toward games with many different releases.
  5. The data was compared against PSN Profiles’ list of unobtainable platinum trophies and Delisted Games’ list of extinct titles. Any flagged titles were removed from the list.
    • 1,000 games with unobtainable platinum trophies were removed.
    • 230 delisted titles were removed.
  6. The dataset was filtered to exclude obvious “shovelware” titles. Generally, this means any games that can be completed in 30 minutes or less and/or have a greater than 90% completion rate have been excluded from the tool.
    • 2,600 games were removed in this step.
  7. Many games do not have readily available information for time to completion or a quality rating. As a result, the more specific you are in your request, the less games will be returned by the tool.
    • Out of 10,600 total games, 1,450 have information for all fields.
  8. The Alphabet Challenge filter looks past any articles (a/an/the) in game titles.
    • For example, “The Last of Us Remastered” would be returned under L.
  9. Rarity is determined based on player completion percentages. Note that ultra rare platinum trophies must have been earned by at least one person. The tiers are outlined as below:
    • Impossible / Not Yet Earned: 0%
    • Ultra Rare: 0-5%
    • Very Rare: 5-10%
    • Rare: 10-20%
    • Uncommon: 20-50%
    • Common: 50-100%
  10. Note that the tool excludes games without trophy sets, such as many of the classic titles on the Premium subscription tier of PlayStation Plus.
  11. In October 2024, functionality to only return games from the PlayStation Plus catalog of titles was added to the tool. This does not include any of the free games available for a limited time every month, since many players might not have had an active subscription when older games were offered.


We hope that this PlayStation Game Randomizer tool will be helpful in your trophy hunting efforts! What game did you get? If you have any comments, suggestions, or issues with the tool, let us know down below.

If you’re still not sure what all the fuss is about with trophy hunting, check out our list of the pros and cons of trophy hunting.

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2 responses to “PlayStation Game Randomizer

  1. ShaggyZenMan Avatar

    Please update this to include current Playstation Premium games. I recently got a PS5 and love choosing random games to play.

    1. Plat Rat (Official) Avatar
      Plat Rat (Official)

      Hi, thanks for your comment! The PlayStation Randomizer has been updated to include all additions and removals through year-end 2024. Have fun and happy hunting!

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