Major Trophy Hunting Milestones You Should Plan For

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trophy hunting milestones: FFX banner

Do you hunt for trophies and achievements for your own gratification, or as a competition between friends? Either way, you likely take pride in games you’ve completed and like to show them off. Often, players organize their hard-earned collection into platinum trophy mosaics like this one. More dedicated hunters may even take note of various trophy hunting milestones on their journey and earmark special titles for just such an occasion.

PSN Profiles lists out many major milestones on your profile for all to see. This can be a great way to highlight your favorite games or humorously named trophies if you so desire. While some take great care that each entry is purposeful, others may decide to play whatever games they want and let the milestones occur naturally.

Whether you want full control over your profile or wish to leave some things to chance, make sure to read our description of the most common milestones you may want to keep an eye on. A brief description of the trophies I personally achieved for each milestone will also be included to help inspire you.

First Trophy

The very first time you unlock a trophy will forever be enshrined into your trophy hunting profile. For the vast majority of players, this unlock will be from a title you played casually many years ago—before you even knew you’d become a trophy hunter.

If you’re anything like me, you may be cursing the number of games you played casually back in the day. You may feel compelled to give them another chance to sate your completionist streak, or to increase your completion percentage.

trophy hunting milestones: first trophy

Trophy from Destiny

The first trophy that I unlocked was a stark 10 years ago on the PlayStation 4: “Ship Rite” in Destiny. It was the first game I played on the console, and although I had been hunting for achievements with varying success on the Xbox 360 in the previous generation, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. After abstaining for many years, I have recently returned and am working on completing all of Destiny’s trophies.

What was your very first trophy? Have you gotten the platinum trophy to complement it?

First Platinum Trophy

Like the entry before, this milestone is likely one you’ve unlocked long ago. However, it more than likely required a more concerted effort depending on your personal gaming tastes. After all, if you are a big fan of visual novels or any of the Telltale Studio games, you have have unlocked a platinum trophy without really trying.

trophy hunting milestones: first platinum

Platinum Trophy from Fallout 4

In my case, my first platinum trophy was unlocked 8 years ago, and was for Fallout 4. For those familiar with the game, the requirements to get the platinum are no cakewalk. I have vivid memories of sleeping to pass time over and over again to reach maximum settlement happiness for the “Benevolent Leader” trophy. I also remember losing my save file and having to start over from scratch to reach the other endings for their respective trophies.

Although I did go out of my way to get the platinum trophy, it wasn’t necessarily a special selection on my part. It just happened to be a game that I really enjoyed at the time enough to do so. I don’t regret it being the first, either.

500x Trophies

After the initial milestone unlocks, you are likely to run up against the multiplier ones. PSN Profiles showcases every 500th trophy you unlock up through your 5,000th trophy, then shuffles to every 1,000th trophy. After you get to 10,000 trophies, it increases the following milestones by 5,000 each. In other words, you will have special slots for your 500th, 1,000th, 1,500th, … , 5,000th, 6,000th, 7,000th, … , 10,000th, 15,000th, 20,000th, and so on.

trophy hunting milestones: 500x trophies

Platinum Trophy from Runner

Many trophy hunters choose to ignore these milestones for planning purposes. It can be fun to let the chips fall where they may and let these trophies serve more as a living record of your gaming habits over the years. I, too, did not much care what games were listed for these milestones when I first became a trophy hunter. It wasn’t until the 7,000th trophy unlock milestone that I decided to give some thought to what trophy gets placed in these slots—less to show off specific titles or trophies, and more to prevent any duplicative entries from long series appearing.

The table below shows my 500x milestone trophies to date.

#Game TitleTrophy Title
500The Walking Dead: A New FrontierBlood for Blood
1,000Sly 2: Band of ThievesHeads or Tails
1,500Spyro 3: Year of the DragonStar Power
2,000Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair GirlsBest Partners Forever
2,500Borderlands 3I Hope You Didn’t Tea-bag
3,000Nier Replicant ver 1.22474487139…Gratitude
3,500Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4Surpassing a Goddess
4,000Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!Breakthrough
4,500SirenJump Start
5,000InscryptionReborn Hope
6,000No Man’s SkyCradle
7,000Cyberpunk 2077V for Vendetta
8,000RunnerI want it all

Interestingly, the only platinum trophy reflected on my list above was for the 8,000 entry. Runner is a PSVR2 title that sees you controlling a motorcycle while gunning down enemies in hectic environments. The platinum trophy run is much easier now after a few updates, and is well worth checking out if you enjoy fast-paced action and stylistic graphics. Personally, I really liked the spunky name for the platinum trophy and felt it deserved a spot on my list somewhere.

I also paid attention to what game landed on my 7,000th trophy slot. I was already playing Cyberpunk 2077 at the time, and since it has 7’s in the title… It seemed fitting to get a trophy from that game.

1337 Trophy

This milestone may be perplexing for newer trophy hunters. It seems like such an odd number to include on a list of obvious picks for milestones.

Well, 1337 was derived from an essentially defunct internet language called “leetspeak.” Users used to replace English letters with numbers or symbols to bypass online filters or to fit in with their peers. 1337 was popularized as a replacement for the letters “LEET,” which was more or less slang for the word “elite.” A long story short—a way to refer to oneself or others as skilled or awesome.

In PSN Profiles’ case, it is likely a cheeky reference to those days.

God of War Trophy

Trophy from God of War (PS3)

My 1337th trophy milestone coincidentally landed on “Prepare to be a God” from the original God of War game on the PlayStation 3. Knowing the context behind 1337 made this milestone all the sweeter.

10x Platinum Trophies

Like the 500x trophy hunting milestones, PSN Profiles delineates every 10th platinum trophy you acquire on your profile up to a certain point. Once you reach 50 platinum trophies, it then switches to every 25th unlock. Eventually, once you reach 200 platinum trophies, it then switches to every 50th unlock. Basically, you get entries for your 10th, 20th, … , 50th, 75th, 100th, … , 200th, 250th, 300th, and so on platinum trophies in perpetuity.

These milestones tend to have the major ones most players focus on baked in. Many trophy hunters like to plan for special games to be completed for their 50th and 100th platinum trophy unlocks. I personally did not pick specific games for these milestones until my 75th platinum, in which I decided going forward I would take care to highlight exceptional games.

trophy hunting milestones: 10x platinum trophies

Platinum Trophy from Final Fantasy X HD

The table below lists my personal iterative platinum trophy hunting milestones.

#Game TitleTrophy Title
10The Wolf Among UsFull Moon
20Persona 5 RoyalThe Phenomenal Phantom Thief
30Persona 5Legendary Phantom Thief
40Chocobo’s Myster Dungeon: Every Buddy!Beak Performance
50Nier Replicant ver 1.22474487139…The Final Verse
75Raging LoopRise Not! Thud!
100Final Fantasy X HDCompletion
125OmoriIt’s all a dream…
150Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker’s MemoryPerfect Hacker

Looking back at the older entries on the list, I was surprised to see that I got both versions of Persona 5 practically back-to-back without intending to. I had put the original version of Persona 5 down after encountering a catastrophic bug requiring an additional playthrough for the platinum trophy. After finishing the much simpler Royal cut, I must have felt inspired enough to go back and clean up what was left. Speaking of Persona 5, I actually created comprehensive calendars for both versions of the game that might make your platinum hunt much smoother than mine was. You can check it out here.

The platinum trophies that I planned ahead of time were done as tribute to some of my favorite games. Raging Loop is an exceptional visual novel that kept me invested through several sleepless nights.

Final Fantasy X was a game that had a special place for me when I was younger that I absolutely needed to see through once I became a trophy hunter. I still listen to “To Zanarkand” from time to time. Omori was a delightfully eccentric game that helped me through a difficult time.

For my 150th platinum trophy, I decided to go with a classic. I am a long-time fan of the Digimon series comprising both video games and television shows, so it only made sense to save a special space on my profile just for it. In fact, I now have collected every Digimon platinum trophy!

Latest Platinum Trophy

This entry is self-explanatory. Whatever your most recent platinum trophy unlock is will be updated on your profile accordingly. This milestone also gets boosted to the top of your milestone list, such that viewers can see what you’ve been up to most recently.

trophy hunting milestones: latest platinum

Platinum Trophy from Spirit Hunter: NG

In my case, at the time of this writing, my most recent platinum trophy unlock is from Spirit Hunter: NG. This was an enjoyable horror adventure/visual novel game that is worth checking out if you’re into those types of games. In fact, check out my list of visual novels worth getting the platinum trophy for if you’d like more recommendations. While potentially controversial for hardcore trophy hunters, don’t let others stop you from enjoying their stories.

Fastest Platinum Trophy

This milestone is an interesting aside compared to the ones listed above. It is added to your profile to reflect your quickest platinum trophy to-date. For many trophy hunters, these entries will likely be riddled with auto-pop platinum trophies from PlayStation 4 games migrated to their PlayStation 5 counterparts, whether by intention or otherwise.

trophy hunting milestones: fastest platinum

Platinum Trophy from Ghost of Tsushima

Indeed, my fastest platinum achieved was the PlayStation 5 version of Ghost of Tsushima. At the time, I wanted to play the recently released DLC expansion Iki Island with the best graphical fidelity and frame rate. I didn’t really consider the ramifications of transferring over my save file as far as trophies go. To this day, it is the one and only auto-pop platinum trophy on my profile.

While I do regret it, don’t let my personal conviction regarding auto-popping trophies stop you. If you find enjoyment in seeing your number get bigger by any means possible, keep doing what makes sense for you!


Those are all the major trophy hunting milestones you are likely to see on your PSN Profiles page, as well as an explanation of my own. Do you have any interesting entries on your list? Do you plan ahead for your milestone platinum trophies?

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  1. Sean Avatar

    Personally my first plat is kinda basic being RE 8. But it did open me up to the concept that trophy hunting can be kinda neat. A cool concept if I was more of a RE fan is having say my LEET trophy be the “Ethan Never Dies” trophy.

  2. Plat Rat (Official) Avatar
    Plat Rat (Official)

    Resident Evil 8 is a pretty tough platinum to be your first, so you should definitely be proud of it!

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